Parking at Uni3

Public parking near Uni3

Lindholmen public vehicle parking
For those without a designated parking space in the Uni3 garage, there are public parking options available nearby through Parkering Göteborg.

Public parking

Lindholmen parking permit
If you need to use public parking often, it might be good to consider obtaining a Lindholmen Parking Permit from Parkering Göteborg for added convenience.

Public parking permit

Uni3 garage car parking

The Uni3 garage offers numerous parking spaces available for rent to tenants.

Access restrictions
Only individuals who have the right to use the garage will be granted access of car entrance.

Obtaining a parking permit
If you have secured a parking space in Uni3 garage via your company, you must obtain a parking permit. This can be acquired from the Uni3 Front Desk or your company’s reception.

The number on your parking pass matches your assigned parking spot. This number is also marked on the garage floor for easy identification.

Displaying your permit
Make sure your parking permit is clearly shown  when you park in the garage.

Issues with Parking Permits
If you encounter any problems with your parking permit or spot, please report it to the Uni3 Front Desk or company reception immediately.

Control fees
Control fees will be distributed to cars parked wrongly without permission in others rented parking spots or outside designated areas.

Storage of any kind is not allowed in the garage.

Uni3 Garage Map
Check map

Make sure you park in your assigned spot to prevent issues. If you see any unusual behavior or cars that should not be there, let front desk know right away.

Contact front desk

Uni3 temporary parking guidelines – 30 minutes

For short-term parking needs, temporary parking spaces are available outside along Pumpgatan at the Uni3 campus. These spaces are primarily intended for quick pick-ups and drop-offs.

Vehicles can be parked in these spaces for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Please be mindful of the time limit. If a vehicle remains parked in these spaces for longer than the allotted 30 minutes, it may be subject to receiving a parking ticket.


Bicycle parking

Parking options
If you take your bicycle to Uni3 Campus, there are two main parking options available: within the designated areas in the garage or at the outdoor parking spaces around the building.

Garage parking
Entrance: Bicyclists and electric scooter riders should use the Planetgatan 2 entrance to access the Uni3 garage.

How to use the revolving gate:

  1. Wait for your turn. Make sure the bike gate is closed before using your access card.
  2. Show your access card to the card reader; the bike gate will automatically open.
  3. Walk through the revolving part while you lead your bike through the bike gate.

If you are aware that you have an extra-wide bicycle and it doesn´t fit through the bike gate, please contact us at

Location: Once inside, bicycles and electric scooters should be parked in the predetermined spaces, ensuring they are securely placed into the racks.

Charging: If your bicycle has a battery that needs charging, you can do so in the garage. However, only the special charging boxes provided should be used. To lock and unlock these charging boxes, use your personal ID badge. Remember, it is mandatory to lock the box while charging batteries.

Garage map

Outdoor parking
Spaces: Multiple spots are allocated for bicycle parking outside on the Uni3 Campus grounds.

Campus map

Always ensure you park in the designated spots to maintain order and avoid inconveniences. If you notice any suspicious activities or unauthorized vehicles, please report them immediately. Safe cycling!

Mopeds and motorbike parking

Parking Options
If you are commuting to Uni3 Campus on a moped or motorbike, you have the choice to park in the designated areas within the garage.

The entry point for mopeds and motorbikes into the Uni3 garage is the same as that for cars. All motor vehicles, including mopeds and motorbikes, should utilize car entrance at Pumpgatan.

Storage of any kind is not allowed in the garage.

Garage map

Make sure you park in your assigned spot to prevent issues. If you see any unusual behavior or cars that should not be there, let us know right away.

Parking guidelines for suppliers


Dedicated parking spaces for suppliers are available at Planetgatan within the Uni3 campus. These spots are reserved specifically for suppliers who are on-site to perform work.

Before parking, suppliers are required to visit the Front Desk to obtain a temporary parking permit. This permit should be prominently displayed within the vehicle to avoid any misunderstandings.

Duration and return

The parking permit is valid for the duration of the supplier’s work at Uni3. Once the work is completed, the permit must be returned to the Front Desk.


It is crucial to ensure the permit is visible in the vehicle. Failure to display the permit or parking without one may result in a fine.

What applies in Uni3´s garage

  • Due to safety reasons, pedestrians must use designated entrances on the entrance floor.
  • All bicycles, according to the Swedish Transport Agency, must use the bicycle entrance in GIC 1. (Bicycles and most electric scooters)
  • All motor vehicles, according to the Swedish Transport Agency, must use the car entrance. (Cars, motorcycles, mopeds)
  • The parking permit card inside the vehicles will function normally with the distance card reader.
  • Parking is only allowed in designated areas.
  • Storage of any kind is not allowed in the garage.
  • Parking of any type of vehicle, except rented parking spots, are only allowed during the hours you work.